We provide our faculty with the resources they need to provide catalytic leadership to prepare the next generation of professionals to meet global challenges.

Research Academy

The Research Academy helps new faculty members navigate the road to tenure in their early careers. Department heads in ACES are asked to nominate early career assistant professors for the 1-semester commitment in the academy.

The academy offers grant-writing workshops, information on managing time effectively, assistance from senior faculty on developing a tenure plan and preparing tenure documentation, and tools for monitoring, identifying, writing, and securing research funds. Meetings with funding agency program officers help participants develop professional relationships and strategies for presenting their work to these agencies.

For further information about the Research Academy, contact Barbara Godlew at godlew2@illinois.edu.

Visit the Research Academy

Funding and Grants

The ACES Office of Research assists faculty and principal investigators (PIs) to develop and strengthen research proposals. Our services focus on pre-award activities for interdisciplinary research proposals across the spectrum of agriculture, consumer, and environmental science.

  • Identify funding opportunities and connect faculty and staff through targeted communications
  • Find intramural and extramural research collaborators
  • Assist with proposal development (editing, reviewing, and literature searches)
  • Offer grant project management and coordination for collaborative, interdisciplinary, and multi-institution research grant proposals
  • Connect with Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA)

Because funding submission deadlines are often inflexible, developing timelines well in advance helps manage the process. The ACES Office of Research aims to provide researchers with integrated assistance depending on timelines and grant complexity. Our services supplement unit-provided grant support.

Contact Barbara Godlew at godlew2@illinois.edu for additional information regarding writing and editing services.

ACES Office of Research Resources

University Resources

Campus Funding Opportunities

External Resources

Early Career Faculty Funding Opportunities

    Federal Funding Agencies


    Funding Search Engines

    Proposal Development Resources


    The University of Illinois Research IT Portal connects researchers to technology resources, services, training, and support. Users can search for resources by colleges, laboratories, and centers or by what category type the resource would fall under.

    Access the Research IT Portal

    If you cannot find an ACES resource you are looking for, contact the appropriate ACES facility or center or contact the office of research at ACES-Research@illinois.edu.

    If you need technical support help, contact the ACES Technology Services Team.

    Publishing Resources